
8085微处理器培训套件与Eprom编程器和放大器;内置电源基于8085 CPU,工作在6.144 MHz晶体频率;8/16K字节的EPROM加载强大的监控程序;8/16K字节的RAM可供用户使用;为RAM提供3.6V可充电电池备份;使用2732/2764/27128/6264/ 62256扩展到64K字节,共4个插槽28脚;内存映射由用户定义。16位可编程定时器/计数器使用8253;通过2个8255号提供48条可编程I/O线;CRT终端RS-232C接口,波特率自动调节; EPROM Programmer for 27 series using 28 pin ZIF socket with facility to Program, Verify, List & Blank Check.; Two modes of commands: Hex Key pad mode & Serial mode; All address, data & control lines are buffered and made available at the edge connector as per STD bus configuration.; 25/28 key hexadecimal keyboard and six seven segment display through 8279.; Powerful software commands like Relocate, String, Fill, Insert, Delete, Block Move, Examine & Compare Memory, Examine Register, Insert Data, Delete Data, Single Step, GO, Break Point in both Serial and Keyboard mode.; On Line Single Line Assembler/Disassembler.; Facility for Downloading/Uploading files from/to PC.; In-built Power supply; User's Manual..
