8085 Microprocessor Training Kit Cum Emulator

Model HV-EXP3779
8085 Microprocessor Training Kit Cum Emulator With In-built Power Supply Based on 8085 microprocessor operating at 6.144Mhz clock frequency.; VMC-ICE8085P comprises of three components viz., a) Microprocessor Kit b) In-circuit Emulator c) Cross Assembler 48K Emulation Memory, RAM area starting from 0000H.; 48K Emulation Memory, RAM area starting from 0000H.; Onboard battery backup for 8K emulation memory.; 8K byte of EPROM loaded with powerful monitor program.; 48 I/O lines using 2 nos. of 8255; 16 bit timer/counter using 8253.; 28 Keys Hexadecimal Keyboard and six digit seven segment display.; 40 pin Header with cable for connecting the target system.; Programmer for 27 series EPROMs with facility to Blank Check, Verify, Program & Read; Can be operated in both Serial & Stand-alone mode.; RS232 port for serial communication with IBM-PC/XT/AT.; Powerful Software commands like Break-point, Single Stepping, Auto Single Stepping, Go, Fill, Display, Compare, Origin, Memory, Zoom, Select, Com.; Uploading & Downloading of files from/to PC.; Onboard disassembler.; In-built Power Supply :; User's Manual..

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