

就在睡前之前,使用能量叉有助于您放松身心,以便您可以更加舒适地入睡并获得所需的其余部分。为了睡眠 - 在您的手的脚后跟上点击叉子的两个加权末端,以启动它振动。接下来,将调谐叉按茎/手柄固定,然后将手柄尖端放在尾骨上。最后,将叉子的茎放在头骨底部。甜蜜的梦。

The Energy fork is a wonderful tool for massage therapists in relaxing their clients during the massage and then giving the client a boost of extra energy in about 20 minutes after the massage. To do this process you will need to work the vibration up the spine. Start off by vibrating the tuning fork and place it on Sacral 2 (or tailbone) until it stops vibrating. Next repeat the process, moving up to Lumbar 2 (middle of the lower back) until the fork stops vibrating again. Now start the forking vibrating again and move up to Thoracic 10 (middle of the back) until it stops vibrating and repeat on Thoracic 4 (middle of the back at shoulder blades) until the fork stops vibrating. Start the fork vibrating again and place it on Cervical 5 (middle of the neck). Lastly start the fork vibrating one more time and place it on the back of the skull just above the spine. When you have finished the tuning for energy go on with the massage. About 20 minutes after the massage the client will be filled with energy.
