Advanced Microprocessor Trainer Kit

Model HV-EXP3785
8085 Advanced Microprocessor Trainer Kit With With Onboard A To D, D To A, Eprom Programmer & Inbuil Based on 8085 CPU operating at 6.144 MHz crystal.; 16K bytes of EPROM loaded with powerful monitor program.; 8K byte of RAM available to the user.; Total on board memory expansion upto 64K bytes using 2732/2764/27128/6264.; Memory mapping definable by the user.; Six seven segment Hexadecimal display; 48 programmable I/O lines using two nos. of 8255.; 16 bit programmable timer/counter using 8253.; Additional serial port using 8251.; EPROM Programmer for 27 series EPROM's with 28 pinZIF.; Printer inteface (optional); Battery backup for RAM using 3.6V rechargeable cell.; RS-232C interface for CRT using SID/SOD lines.; Interrupt Controller using 8259.; Onboard 1 Channel 8 bit D/A using DAC 0800.; Onboard 1 Relay output.; Onboard 1 Opto isolated input; 25/28 Computer graded keys hexadecimal keys; Two modes of Commands: - Hex Key Pad Mode - Serial Mode All address, data and control lines are buffered and made available at the edge connector as per STD Bus configuration.; All address, data and control lines are buffered and made available at the edge connector as per STD Bus configuration.

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