
有氧消化池有氧消化池由一个2加仑的反应器容器安装在一个钢基础上,与一个液体供给泵,空气供应,和监测和控制过程的仪器仪表。反应器的圆柱形壁由两层多孔塑料材料制成,以保留悬浮固体,同时允许处理过的水通过外部的环形出口腔。这种设计允许研究好氧处理过程的基本特征,而不必分心,必须充分沉淀固体以进行外部循环,这是一个众所周知的实验室问题。多孔衬垫是可拆卸的,用于清洗,并提供备用衬垫。废水由一个120V电机驱动的蠕动泵从进料槽排出。流量由可变运行时间控制,该控制确定10分钟周期内运行时间的分钟数。该泵通过一个透明的盖子将进料输送到反应堆容器。空气由一个小气泵以测量的速率供应,并通过空气分配装置排放到反应器的底部。这为消化过程提供了必要的氧气,同时也产生了足够的气泡用于搅拌和反应。通过连接到容器外环腔的溢流装置,反应器内的液面保持在1或2加仑的恒定值。通过重力排放到落地产品罐(未提供)。 The reactor temperature is maintained by a 3-term PID controller which varies power to an immersion heater within the vessel. Any temperature between ambient and 95°F may be selected, with the best conditions being a few degrees above the diurnal maximum in the user’s laboratory. Dissolved oxygen and pH probes and meters are included.The reactor lid contains a gas exit port, suitable for sampling the gases for subsequent analysis Specifications Feed pump 120V, peristaltic, 10 rpm, variable run time control corresponding to 0–13 gal. per dayAir pump 240V/120V, 0–1.35 gpmReactor vessel 2 gal. maxium capacitypH meter Range 0.00 to 14.00Dissolved oxygen meter Range 0–100% saturation, resolution 2%Reactor heater Electrical immersion 250WTemperature controller 3-term PID, temperature limit set at 95°F Chemical Engineering Laboratory lab equipment manufacturers,exporters and Chemical Engineering Laboratory Lab suppliers
