

技术描述炸弹量热计件提供了一种简单且廉价的方法,用于测定有机物质的燃烧热量和固体液体燃料的热值硫含量。随着英国标准机构建议的方法,提供的装备完全进行分析。根据石油和英国标准研究所规定的规范,所有部分已经完成和测试。它配备了所有必需的配件,炸弹,热量表容器,带炸弹支撑,水夹克,搅拌器,电子射击装置,带数字后人温度计等炸弹的测试:每枚炸弹在符合研究所的要求之前进行测试每次炸弹发出石油和工程证书。该证书在300个大气压(4400 p.S.I)的压力下,保持液压测试的结果,其保持为期十分钟而不泄漏。最大变形不得超过指定限制。量热计容器:容器由铜制成,镀铬或S.S.它包括炸弹支撑,确保炸弹在船舶中正确定位。防水套:外壳的外壳由铜制成,镀铬在内部和外部或S.。由Enboite盖关闭。接线盒安装在容器中,使得可以由射击控制进行连接。 Offset Stirrer : The stirring mechanism supplied gives sufficient turbulence for effective stirring whilst no heat is imparted to the calorimeter water. It consists of an impeller stirrer driven at a constant speed of approximately 800 r.p.m. The offset arrangement whereby the motor drives the impeller via a belt precludes any possibility of heat transference between motor and calorimeter Vessel Contents. Electronic Firing Unit with Digital Backman Thermometer : For firing a calorimeter Bomb AC supply main (230 Volts 50 Cycles). It consists of two parts Viz Electrical Box and Electronic Box for Digital Thermometer reading. The Electrical Box is provided with socket for stirrer and terminals for the fuse wire. The unit has provision for test of firing wire resistance or open circuit. A left hand side bulb indicate the continuity while right hand side bulb indicates the open circuit (firing). Crucible : Various types of crucible are available the standard supplied with the outfit being a stainless steel crucible of 8 ml capacity which fits in the standard support ring provided with the outfit.
