
“爪”机制科学实验室的特点是成本低,有效的教学自我包含容易从远处看到机构清楚理解为进一步研究绘制的轨迹间歇进给的标准机构三年保修的实验范围确定标准机构运动部件的轨迹建立该机构的特性:描述建在A3板上的16个机构之一,同样适用于教室、绘图办公室或实验室。主要部件由琥珀色的有机玻璃制成,空心铆钉为轴心,安装在白色三聚氰胺板上,以形成对比和可见性。观察这些机制的变化远比听一场静态讲座更有启发性和说服力。空心铆钉可以用铅笔将接头的位置转移到一张夹在板上的纸上。以O和P为轴的一对齿轮以相同的速度啮合。在一个轮子上,枢轴带着一个移动的手臂,而另一个轮子上的销在手臂上的一个弯曲槽中滑动。延伸到手臂的末端是一个精细的爪,每次轮子转一圈,爪的侧面都是平的。该设备是一系列设计的一部分,用于演示和实验确认基本的工程原理。 Great care has been given to each item so as to provide wide experimental scope without unduly complicating or compromising the design. Each piece of apparatus is self-contained and compact. Setting up time is minimal, and all measurements are made with the simplest possible instrumentation, so that the student involvement is purely with the engineering principles being taught. Each mechanism is supplied with a manual which gives full instructions for producing the loci and applications of the assembly. The typical graphical result is appended..
