

运输包装材料的抗压强度测试仪-运输包装材料应具有足够的抗压强度,以便在运输或储存过程中,在堆叠时不会变形或压碎。运输包装的抗压强度是通过将包装放在一个平台上,并借助另一个平板从上往下压,通过电机或手动安排来确定的。运输包装压缩强度测试仪由软钢型材和板材制作而成。用于压箱的下压板固定在测试仪的机架上。将待测包装放在这个压盘上,在另一个压盘的帮助下从上往下压。上压板通过螺旋装置向下移动。如果包装的顶面和底面不平行,则该压板可以倾斜,使其下端面与包装的顶部对齐。为了进行边缘和角加载试验,上压板可以保持刚性,使其不倾斜。用于测量作用在被测包装上的压缩力的测压元件安装在上压板之上。负载在基于微处理器的数字指示器上显示。 The load indicator has peak force memory to indicate the maximum load at which the package failed, and a relay with overload protection to stop the motor if the load exceeds the maximum capacity of the load cell. The movement to the upper platen is given through a motor and gearbox arrangement. The distance moved by the upper platen is indicated on a separate digital display capable of measuring the distance to the nearest 1 mm. The equipment has over-travel protection arrangement to stop the motor at extreme limits of platen movement. civil lab equipments manufacturers. Paper Testing Lab equipment manufacturers,exporters and Paper Testing Lab suppliers
