
低成本,有效的教学功能独立安装的墙壁高视觉冲击真正的“动手”实验范围仅用于演示,不打算进行测量。通过视觉观察演示角动量守恒的基本概念。描述线性动量守恒很容易理解,经常向学生演示。同样重要的是角动量守恒。在这方面做有意义的实验并不容易,但一个高度直观的演示几乎是戏剧性的影响是减少旋转质量的半径。这在滑冰运动员的脚尖旋转动作中很常见。首先,它们伸开双臂,绕着与身体相对应的轴旋转。当他们把手臂举过头顶时,旋转的幅度增加了不少。学生们可以在实验室里做这些实验,而不是去溜冰场。一种安装在立式板上的工作台有一个旋转臂,由学生或演示者操作的一根拉线可沿该旋转臂移动两个重物。 The weights are moved to the outer ends of their travel, away from the centre of rotation. The arm is then spun rapidly by hand, and the weights pulled towards the centre by the cord. The resulting increase in angular velocity is considerable. This equipment is part of a range designed to both demonstrate and experimentally confirm basic engineering principles. Great care has been given to each item so as to provide wide experimental scope without unduly complicating or compromising the design. Each piece of apparatus is self-contained and compact. Setting up time is minimal, and all measurements are made with the simplest possible instrumentation, so that the student involvement is purely with the engineering principles being taught. A complete instruction manual is provided describing the apparatus, its application, experimental procedure and typical test results..
