Cosmic OM Tuning Forks (Weighted)

Model TF0010

This fork is the 32nd octave of the Earth-Year. The base of this tone is the rotation of the Earth around the Sun, which is responsible for the changing of the seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter. It resonates to the time it takes the Earth to rotate around the sun, which is one year or 365 days.

Two meridians carry this frequency throughout the entire body. They are the Ren (Central or Conception Vessel) and the Du (the Governing Vessel). Two points on the Ren meridian carry this frequency promoting deep relaxation and sedation.

They are on the central line of the sternum between the breasts and on the central line of the sternum just below the heart on the base of the sternum. This will also encourage the gentle opening of the heart chakra. You can also tone the fork and move over the heart chakra between the breasts.

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