
特点成本低,教学有效自成体系的台架弯曲支板形状演示直接加载提供欧拉理论的高度视觉冲击力所有可能的端约束条件与理论预测的比较保修三年实验范围观察长度相同但端约束条件不同的四根支板在屈曲载荷作用下的行为。将结果与欧拉公式等理论预测进行比较。被压缩的一块材料称为支撑。如果短而粗短,则会受到压应力破坏,而如果细长,则破坏形式为屈曲破坏。支撑杆屈曲的载荷取决于两端受约束的方式。内置的末端比可以自由移动的末端更不易弯曲。分析了屈曲机理及末端约束的影响。该装置包括支撑四个细长弹簧钢支柱的钣金框架,其顶端有加载平台。每个struts都有一个不同的端约束,因此可以立即以一种高度可见的方式进行比较。a)两端固定b)一端固定,另一端固定c)两端固定d)底座固定,顶部自由对于前三个,随着支柱卡扣,两端向内移动。 The loading platforms act through relatively friction free guide bushes. This equipment is part of a range designed to both demonstrate and experimentally confirm basic engineering principles. Great care has been given to each item so as to provide wide experimental scope without unduly complicating or compromising the design. Each piece of apparatus is self-contained and compact. Setting up time is minimal, and all measurements are made with the simplest possible instrumentation, so that the student involvement is purely with the engineering principles being taught. A complete instruction manual is provided describing the apparatus, its application, experimental procedure and typical test results.
