
无级变速器自动齿轮传动装置集成了一个金属推力带式变矩器。荷兰公司VAN DOORNES TRANSMISSION B.V.将其命名为自动变速箱。该自动变速箱以真实故障图(注册模式)的形式呈现,其中功能子系统被清楚地标明。铝合金外壳的两部分由支撑功能子系统的支撑架保持一定距离。这些子系统由不同颜色的阳极氧化支撑板保持在适当的位置。此外,他们可以从分解图中解放出来,进行独立的技术研究。本齿轮箱包含机械工程的标准部件。因此,它构成了一个优秀的教学支持相对于本学科。它由非常不同的功能子系统组成。它们分别被研究,然后重新组合形成整个系统。同时,该系统也很适合于功能分析研究。 A simulation software enables in-out laws, overall and of each sub-system, to be brought to the fore. Moreover, volumic model sketches of different parts are supplied. Visualizations are, from then on, possible. Furthermore, the teacher is able to work with his pupils around these sketches and complete them. It is a very interesting teaching method of adapting functional forms by the learner. Technical specifications The different sub-systems are : Support frame : Casing. Hydraulic control. Entrance sub-system : Epicyclic gear. Multidisk clutch and break. Geared pump. Speed variator sub-system : Variable diameter sheaves. Heterogeneous chain in sintered steel. Actuating cylinders. Exit sub-system: Simple train speed reductor. Equalising gear. Equipment Package : Standard equipment. CVT automatic gearbox. Simulation software. Technical and teaching file. Sketches of volumic models under Solid Works. Dimensions and weight 110 x 560 x 550 mm – 50 kg. Essential requirements Computer for the running of the simulation software. Solid-Works software.
