D & A Tuners Tuning Forks (Unweighted)

Model TF0005

The D & A Tuning Forks are middle D and A in the Pythagorean Scale, also known as the Just Scale. They connect our hara (sacral chakra) to our 3rd eye which allows us a deeper understanding of our human experience by connecting our creative passionate nature with our inner seeing & knowing.

This chakra combination is particularly relevant now in our human evolution as we begin to bring our sexual nature to a higher level of spiritual awareness, to trascend our baser nature and rise to a place of at-onement. As this occurs, we begin to relate to ourself and others in a deeper spiritual way bringing sexual relations to the tantric level of spiritual evolution.

Our creative nature becomes completely integrated with our inner awareness as we experience the world openly, freely and with a heighted sense of humanitarian awareness.

D - 288 Hz

A - 426.7 Hz

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