


圆盘离心机可用于分离不可溶性液体的混合物。要分离的乳剂是在搅拌槽中配制的。推荐使用水/油作为乳剂。有速度控制的搅拌器将两种液相混合。在混合过程中,油滴在水中的分布越来越均匀。当液滴尺寸较小时,乳状液保持稳定的时间更长。泵将乳化液输送到旋转离心机的中心。乳化液通过分配器底座经提升管输送到圆盘中间室。分离过程的驱动力是离心力。它能确保特别重的液体颗粒(水)比特别轻的液体颗粒(油)更容易被吸引到外面。 The settling distance and time are shortened by the disc arrangement set at an oblique angle to the field of acceleration. On the underside of the rotating discs the specifically heavier portion of the emulsion moves downwards and outwards. The lighter portion flows inwards on the top side of the discs. The separated liquids exit the centrifuge by way of outlets and can be collected in tanks. The rotation speed of the centrifuge can be adjusted by way of a potentiometer. A valve is used to adjust the flow rate of the emulsion due to be separated. Various types of stirrer are available to perform the stirring. A photometer is recommended for analysis of the separated fractions. The operating and service instructions form the basis for learning how to perform an extensive range of maintenance and inspection operations on the centrifuge.
