
冷凝是一种相变换热过程,在许多工业应用中都有应用,如蒸汽发电厂、制冷装置等。因此,这是目前机械和化学工程应用中的重要传热过程之一。水汽在物体表面的凝结有两种类型:1。滴明智冷凝。电影智慧凝结。这个装置是为了找到两种类型的冷凝的传热系数和可视化这些过程而设计的。它由一个垂直的框架组成。冷凝管安装在紧凑的玻璃圆筒内。蒸汽发生器安装在汽缸的背面。蒸汽直接从发电机到汽缸。 Two valves are fitted to control flow rate of water in individual tubes. Digital Temperature Indicator monitors temperatures. Pressure gauge and Rotameter can observe steam pressure and cold, water flow rates respectively. A Digital temperature Controller is provided for controlling the temperature of Steam. Water level indicator is provided to safeguard the heater. Condensate is measured by measuring cylinder. Experiments To study the Film wise & Drop wise condensation of steam on a vertical surface Visualization of condensation process in drop wise as well as film wise Utilities Required Water supply 5 lit/min (approx.) Electricity Supply: 1Phase. 220 V AC. 1.5 kW Table for set-up support Heat Transfer lab equipment manufacturers,exporters and Heat Transfer Lab suppliers
