
旋转系统的振动和失平衡力可以通过计算机辅助数据采集进行可视化和测量。静态和动态平衡是可能的复杂的旋转形状。采用专门编写的仿真软件对理论性能和实际性能进行了比较。教学目标设备的范围允许:振动和失衡力的可视化。不加质量或加载一个或几个质量的总成的静态和动态平衡。用一个或几个质量加载并使用一个或多个质量重新平衡的组件的动态平衡,有或没有数据采集。定量研究的各种模式的振动和失衡行为。测量转子支架上的力和位移。转子的静、动平衡不平衡,旋转形状复杂。为说明旋转系统的性能和选择必要的平衡质量,提供了标准的仿真软件。 Technical specifications The basic unit consists of a shaft rotating through two bearing blocks and equipped with four discs symmetrically on both sides of the supporting blocks. The system is connected elastically to the base plate via two pairs of flat spring steel beams. Small masses of various values can be attached to each disc to balance or unbalance the rotating system. Rotational movement is given to the system manually. The test bench is identical, but two of the flexible steel beams supporting the rotating assembly, are fitted with strain gauges. A magnetic proximity detector fitted adjacent to the rotating shaft permits measurement of instantaneous angular position and speed of rotation. These sensors allow computer-based data acquisition. The apparatus permits all the experimentation but additionally allows the study of the balance of any rotating shape. The two discs closest to the support beams are equipped with rims, allowing the attachment of self-adhesive masses. Furthermore, one of the outer discs can be replaced by a spindle onto which any disc or shape may be attached. Whichever system is used, it is essential that they are fixed securely to a robust support to maximise the accuracy of the test results. Equipment Package: Basic equipment for the study of rotational systems: Test bench without instrumentation. Set of masses and pull-chord. Simulation software. Technical manual and teaching notes Includes the complete set, but additionally with : Set of instrumentation (rotational sensor and strain gauges). Data acquisition software, interface card, connecting box and cables. Technical manual and teaching notes Includes the complete set, but additionally with : Two rims and spindle with standard disc. Three complex shapes (disc with missing segment, disc with axial holes, disc of tapered section). Technical manual and teaching notes Dimensions and weight 60 x 26 x 45 cm – 14 kg Essential requirements Strain bridge. Electrical supply : 220 V – 50 Hz (for the strain bridge). PC with CD ROM and free PCI slot – Windows 98, 2000 or XP. Solid support for the test bench.
