Microchip Pic16F84嵌入式培训器

利用PIC16F84单片机设计了嵌入式训练器。该控制器提供系统内和电路编程,因此人们可以通过串口直接在控制器中编写和下载程序,而无需将其从系统中移除。系统规范压力;;CPU: Microchip PIC16F84微控制器;16x2液晶模块及中点;六七段显示·;步进电机控制器接口及中点;8 × 8 LED矩阵显示&中点;EWSN Status LED's 12 no . ·ADC和DAC接口压力;; Four Data Switches ·; Switch Array ·; At24C16 Serial EEPROM ·; High Performance RISC CPU ·; Only 35 single word instructions to learn ·; All instructions single cycle except for program branches which are two-cycle ·; Operating speed: DC - 20 MHz clock input DC - 200 ns instruction cycle ·; 1024 words of program memory ·; 68 bytes of data RAM ·; 64 bytes of data EEPROM ·; 14-bit wide instruction words ·; 8-bit wide data bytes ·; 15 special function hardware registers ·; Eight-level deep hardware stack ·; Direct, indirect and relative addressing modes ·; Four interrupt sources: External RB0/INT pin TMR0 timer overflow PORTB<7:4> interrupt on change Data EEPROM write complete Peripheral Features ·; 13 I/O pins with individual direction control ·; High current sink/source for direct LED drive 25 mA sink max. per pin 25 mA source max. per pin ·; TMR0: 8-bit timer/counter with 8-bit programmable prescaler 16F84 CPLD ALTERA DAUGHTER BOARDS AVAILABLE ·; Board for Microchip PIC16F877/16F876 ·; Board for Motorola 68HC11 ·; Board for Xilinx Spartan XC2S50 (50 K Gates) ·; Board for Xilinx Spartan XC2S100 (100 K Gates) ·; Board for Xilinx Spartan XC2S200 (200 K Gates).
