
Model HV-EXP4487

Many industrial processes deal with separation of volatile gasses disolved in a liquid. Separation and recovery of the components is normally achieved using a flash drum. The dedicated control panel operates flow, pressure and temperature measurement devices required to achieve the separation process within operating parameters.

设备规格:整个单元安装在带有脚轮泵的金属结构上,用于水相丙烯酸闪光灯(分隔箱)电加热器(闪光灯),预碳剂二氧化碳瓶,电子分析仪,流量计,压力控制器。伏特单相功率。所有静态金属表面粉末涂有耐久性和预防腐蚀近似于总体尺寸:34宽x 48 x 60高。

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