
自由和强迫振动装置研究具有一个自由度的弹簧-质量系统的质量、弹簧的刚度和振动的周期时间或频率之间的关系。研究粘滞阻尼对简单弹簧-质量阻尼系统自由振动的影响。研究不同阻尼比下振动质量稳态振动幅值与强迫频率的关系。(a)对质量施加周期性扰动力所引起的振动。在这个实验中,励磁单元通过一个柔性联轴器从一个齿轮箱驱动,这样,对转圆盘的一转等于相位记录器的一转。(b)弹簧支撑点周期性位移引起的振动。在本实验中,用偏心器驱动连杆,使偏心器的转数等于相位记录仪的转数。研究不同阻尼比下弹簧支座振动质量与周期性位移之间的相位关系。设备可以进行简单的调整,质量的运动可以很容易地观察和记录在提供的两支笔记录仪上。所谓“黑盒”的使用 has been avoided, a feature welcomed by most teachers. Adopting the well tried features of the simple Vibration Apparatus, the mass carriage is constrained by rollers on vertical guide ways to provide minimum uncontrolled damping. Variable viscous damping is provided by an oil dashpot. Two methods of exciting forced vibration are adopted; either by oscillating the upper spring mounting with SHM at variable frequency or by applying a rotating out balance force at variable frequency to the vibrating mass. Two pen recorders are provided, a continuous paper recorder for amplitude and frequency measurements and a rotating drum recorder for amplitude and phase measurements. Experiment manual. Dimensions and weight 880 x 580 x 1240 mm. Net Weight : 75 kg. Essential requirements Voltage supply : 220V, 50 Hz. Optional equipments : Simple Vibration apparatus. Mechanical Testing Lab equipment manufacturers,exporters and Mechanical Testing Lab suppliers
