

一触式操作,简化了程序。刚出生的婴儿会经历一定程度的热不稳定,因为它来自环境稳定的母亲子宫,到产房的凉爽环境,Tiana系列暖器承诺无错误,舒适和安全的新生儿待遇。控制面板:婴儿暖器的设计,提供先进的加热能力,同时使用一键操作,简化程序。先进的微处理器控制系统,自动检查电子线路,皮肤/空气/手动控制。婴儿温度/气温数字显示。软触摸显示控制温度。手动/伺服两种功能控制模式在优化热环境的同时,为临床医生提供了更多的灵活性。此外,皮肤/空气温度比其他设定的温度显示要大。按一下按钮,皮肤温度就可以从摄氏度转换到华氏度。婴儿床固定宽敞的婴儿床包括容易下降的一面,最大限度地访问病人。 Soft cushion mattress for the comfort of the little patient. Alarms The control panel is also the heart of the system for a completely integrated alarm system with both audible and visual indicators in the event of probe fail skin high skin low power fail heater fail Manual Mode Facility to converting the warmer from servo mode to manual mode for non-stop working. In Manual mode warmer will start from 40% heat and can be increased upto 99% according to usage. Heater Assembly The heater assembly located above the center of the support structure consists of radiant heater and reflector with inbuilt halogen examination lamp for assessment of infant color . Reflector :: stainless steel. CE marked German make ceramic 650 watts heater or quartz crystal heater available as per the choice of the customer ..
