

ag亚博集团HOVERLABS被认为是该技术领域的权威机构,提供了一系列高质量的便携式硬度计。我们可以在大工件上检查有边界区域的坚固性。本仪器采用高质量的原材料制造,完全符合工业标准。该便携式硬度计由质量专家对各种参数进行精确测试。特点:-绸缎和方便的设计呈现在一个苗条的手提箱携带机器-数字字母数字显示,显示材料的价值和比例测量-平均我们可以轻松地阅读多达10个。-软件是友好的,因为它有微控制软件。-它有羽毛触摸键,我们可以有不同的探头和可选择的30个测量。-自动检测探头设施-可自动关机,如果不使用长达10分钟。-易于操作的模型与2铅笔细胞只有。-点阵(Centronic并行端口)使打印更容易-当机器在行100读数可存储在内存中,用于测试打印目的 - Low test expenditure - different combinations of five probes can be given such as Dl, D2, G1, G2 & C, Dl, D2, D3, D4 & D5 and Dl, D2, G1, SH &C - Display can be converted with UTS technique by using side keys for the range 226 to 634 BHN (hard steel & hard alloys only) in BHN scale only. - Reading can be easily checked by using up and down arrows. - Machine can on/off with feather touched button given in front. - Printer & serial interfaces are available on single port (serial interface is an additional/ on demand accessory) - With the help of keyboard we can make standardisation of probe automatically. - Serial interface is possible with RS 232 - We can have data print out as per requirement easily. Application - Material identification of stores. - Measurement of hardness in restrained spaces - To measure dissimilarity in hardness over large work piece - Immense & stout components - Durable embedded parts - Surface toughened component or hardness on coatings
