

8085微处理器培训器套件,具有液晶显示和内置电源,基于运行在6.144 MHz晶体频率的8085 CPU。8K字节的EPROM,装载强大的监控程序;8/32K字节的RAM可供用户使用;为RAM区域提供电池后备。为RAM区域提供电池后备。内存映射可由用户定义。采用8253的16位可编程定时器/计数器;通过8255提供24条可编程I/O线。自动波特率的SID/SOD线的RS-232C接口所有地址、数据 control lines are buffered and made available at the edge connector as per STD bus configuration.; 104/105 Keys IBM PC Compatible ASCII keyboard; 16x1 LCD display with backlite.; Powerful software commands like Relocate, String, Fill, Insert, Delete, Block Move, Examine/Compare Memory, Examine Register, Insert Data, Delete Data, Single Step, GO, Break Point in both Serial & Keyboard mode.; Facility for Downloading/Uploading files from/to PC.; On board Assembler/Disassembler.; Facility of writing program in assembly language; In-Built Power Supply; User's Manual..
工业地产91,安巴拉坎特- 133006,哈里亚纳,印度
E: info@hoverexport.com w: www.asheela.com M: +91 94666 93111