

基于工作频率为6.144 MHz的8085 CPU的液晶显示和内置电源的8085微处理器训练套件16K字节的EPROM,具有强大的监控程序;8K字节的内存可供用户使用。用户RAM备用电池,配备3.6V可充电电池;使用2732/2764/27128/6264,总的板载内存扩展到64K字节。用户可定义的内存映射。20x2液晶显示器(LCD);104/105KeysIBM PC兼容ASCII键盘;48可编程I/O线通过2号8255提供;16位可编程定时器/计数器采用8253; RS-232C interface for CRT using SID / SOD lines.; Two modes of Commands: - Key board Mode & Serial Mode; All address, data and control lines are buffered and made available at the edge connector as per STD Bus configuration.; Powerful Software Commands like relocate, string, fill, insert, delete, block move, memory compare etc.; Onboard Single Line Assembler/Disassembler.; Facility for Downloading/Uploading files from/to PC.; In-built Power Supply :; User's Manual..
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