心脏监护仪,SSM Cardiotrace


功能:Cardiotrace是基于CRT的两个Trace ECG显示器。它是用于连续的心电图监测和心率显示的独立单元。CardioTrace使用按钮开关在前面板上确保无故障操作。CardioTrace在顶部通道上显示了4秒钟的心电图和底部通道上的另外4秒。Cardiotrace使用特殊的光学隔离技术完全将患者从主管中隔离。专门为印度条件(心脏,湿度,电压波动)而设计,持续操作且用户友好。第二个通道可以冻结详细的分析。(如果违反警报,它会自动冻结)。明亮的7个片段LED 14 x 8毫米显示器的心脏显示。速率也可以从远处轻松读取。 Adjustable alarm limits 0-250, (hi and low limit) stop and run facility for detailed analysis. Cal for 1 mv pulse calibration. Lead selector for selecting lead I, lead II lead III. Defib protection. QRS indication. The speed of the ECG waveform can be selected 25mm per second or 50mm per second. 8 second ECG display. Central Monitoring System for SSM Cardiotrace Can be used in ICU, ICCU, AMC & Post operative ward. Eight Bedside monitors can be interfaced. User can change the 16 ECG colours & back ground colours. 24 Hours heart rate trend. User friendly through on screen help menu. 30 sec real time ECG for the detailed analysis. Individual HR alarm limit setting for each & every bed. Individual speed control for bedside ECG waveform. Date, Time, Patient Name, Age, Alarm Low Limit, Alarm Hi Limit Display. Optional :Printer, Computer (Latest Config).
91,工业庄园,安巴尔·坎特(Ambala Cantt)-133006,印度哈里亚纳邦
e:info@hoverexport.com w:www.asheela.com M:+91 94666 93111