

一目了然的控制面板LCD上的操作说明简单明了,易于识别的液晶显示所有重要数据的大尺寸数字,减少错误读数的机会,LCD提供背光,在黑暗的环境中查看。可选的三步咬合检测压力由于它们是可靠的,这些注射泵提供可选的压力水平设置,以匹配几乎任何要求低,中,高咬合设置。“Keep-Vien-Open”功能。当达到预设容量时,泵自动启动“保持静脉通畅”(Keep Vein Open, KVO)功能,KVO内的输液率为1%,但不小于0。1毫升/小时。这可以防止输液管因血凝块而阻塞。一种简单安全的Bolus功能,可在注射过程中随时按预设速率递送休克,lOmi注射器为300ml/小时,20ml注射器为500ml/小时,30ml注射器为700m1/小时,50/60ml注射器为lOOOml/小时。注射过程完整信息可视化显示所有编程参数和注射数据,如注射器类型和体积、注射速率、注射体积、注射结束剩余时间、闭塞压力限制等。最终在注射结束前5分钟。警报宣布需要准备另一剂量的药物。 Volume memory function In Memory Mode, this convenient feature retains the previously selected data of delivery rate and limit so they do have to be re-entered. This not only saves time and effort but also helps reduce errors. External Switching mode power supply Complying with high standards, that assures a low and high voltage working environment, another important feature of the unit. A built in battery Guarantees safe operating of the pump in case of mains failure. When patient is being ransported..
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