Cosmic OM Tuning Forks (Unweighted)

Model No. TF0009


The Cosmic OM Tuner is tuned specially to resonate with the 'Cosmic Om' vibration. It is wonderful in mediation, journeying, in an energy work session, or just 'tuning in' to Universal Energies. It is relaxing, soothing, balancing and sedative.

The ancient Indians were given this tone intuitively in meditation as they opened up to the cosmos. The sitar and tambura music are tuned to this keynote. This keynote is called "sadja" or the "father of the others", the everlasting, never-ceasing tone. It is the frequency of the soul. It resonates to the color Blue-Green.

这个叉子是听到的t fork of the Chakra Set.

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