



鼓式单元过滤器可用于连续地从悬浮液中分离固体。悬浮装置产生硅藻土和水的悬浮体。泵将悬浮液输送到鼓式滤池的悬浮液槽中。搅拌器使悬浮液中的固体颗粒保持悬浮状态。部分旋转的滚筒浸入悬浮液中。在滚筒的外套上打孔并覆盖一层滤布。鼓被分成细胞。每个电池由空心轴和真空管连接。真空将滤液通过滤布吸入滚筒。从那里它被携带在一个真空的收集罐中。 The solid is separated off at the filter cloth. Consequently, a filter cake which steadily grows in the direction of rotation is created on the immersed part of the drum. When the filter cake is drawn out of the suspension by the rotating motion, it is drained of water by the applied vacuum. A scraper scrapes the filter cake off of the drum before the drum dips back into the suspension. Compressed air can also be used to remove the filter cake. The filter cake drops into a collector tank. The flow rate of the supplied suspension is adjusted on the suspension unit. The level in the suspension tank of the drum cell filter can be adjusted by way of an adjustable overflow. The applied vacuum is indicated by a manometer on the vacuum tank. The rotation speed of the drum is infinitely variable. Compressed air and vacuum connections are required to operate the trainer.

工业地产91,安巴拉坎特- 133006,哈里亚纳,印度
E: info@hoverexport.com w: www.asheela.com M: +91 94666 93111