

塑料熔体流量指数仪塑料造型塑料造出塑料材料的熔体流动指数。该系统由加热的挤出机管组成,可互换的射流通过该互换射流,通过该互换射流挤出材料,以及具有止回剂的活塞,以在挤出机内部的材料上施加指定的压力。挤出机由碳钢制成,并通过弯曲加热器加热,弯曲加热器围绕其外圆周。提供PID控制器以指示并控制管的温度。加热器用矿棉绝缘材料注销。组件固定在刚性支架上。管的底部落后于PTFE的绝缘,以防止挤出挤出物。将喷射通过挤出机推出,由硬化和研磨钢制成。它保持在挤出机的底部。提供由在上端放松的银钢制成的活塞,以将挤出物推出喷射。 The piston moves inside the cavity of tube. A sleeve to provide to guide the relieved portion of the piston. The top of the piston carries a plate-form for keeping the load on. The plate-form is thermally insulated from the load. The extruder tube assembly is mounted on a metal box. A sheet metal control panel is mounted on the side of the equipment & houses the PID Controller, DIGITAL PRESET TIMER & other electronic components. Cleaning tools for tube cavity and jets & stoppers & cutter for the extrudate are also supplied with the equipments.
91,工业庄园,Ambala Cantt - 133006,哈里亚纳邦,印度
E:info@hoverexport.com w:www.asheela.com m:+91 94666 93111