剪切腿 - 工程实验室训练系统

低成本,有效的教学自包装的长凳安装了直接测量支撑杆和后退力量的弹簧平衡三年保修范围的实验范围的实验测定剪切腿中的力与理论预测进行比较,以评估更改剪切腿几何的效果通常用于制作临时起重机。在该实验中,在一个平面中使用多个力的实验中发展的思想扩展到三个维度。鼓励思想的清晰度,因为存在压缩力和拉伸力。双剪切腿安装在圆形杆上的滚筒上。用整体弹簧平衡来测量腿部的压缩力,而约束是通过可调节的绑带链来测量的。背部住宿是可调节的,还安装了弹簧余额。负载是通过悬挂在顶点的重量。该装置在长凳顶部自由站立。该设备是旨在展示和实验确认基本工程原理的范围的一部分。 Great care has been given to each item so as to provide wide experimental scope without unduly complicating or compromising the design. Each piece of apparatus is self-contained and compact. Setting up time is minimal, and all measurements are made with the simplest possible instrumentation, so that the student involvement is purely with the engineering principles being taught. A complete instruction manual is provided describing the apparatus, its application, experimental procedure and typical test results..
