
最近在组织病理学检查中,对于特别大面积或硬材料的标本以及特殊目的,越来越多地要求非常薄的标本,例如1-3微米或其他部分。通过改善迄今为止使用的Microtomes提供了大型雪橇切片机,提供了其固有特性以满足上述要求。由于这种模型强烈建议为软组织切片以及诸如茎,根或其他植物对象等硬材料等的所有生物学和重新搜索实验室。它也非常适合耳朵,鼻子和喉部部门,其中部分相当大试样是必需的。如果掺入冷冻附件,则这种小运动可以是冷冻切片机。简介这种情况包括主体(滑动路),物体夹紧级,进料装置和刀夹紧块。Mictotome的主体有3个400mm水平滑块,用于刀夹紧块和用于物体夹紧级和馈电装置的3个倾斜滑动轨道。刀片块的形状及其与9轨道的接触消除了在切割过程中骑行或倾斜切片。刀具夹紧块具有用于夹紧刀架和手柄的球。刀架配有两个螺钉,用于消除刀的振动。 The clearence angle of the knife can be adjusted by means of a screw drive. The object Clamping Stage has a sliding stage and object clamping holder, THe object clamping holder is equipped with two rack and pinion swivelling device which can be oriented for adjustment of cutting object. It can be raised or lowered by rack and pinion for the approximate height adjustment of the object. The specimen blocks upto 30x30mm can be held in it. The Feed Device can be adjusted for section thickness between 1 to 10microns by increment of 0.5micron by hand, with settling drum calibration scale. The specimen rises accurately by a micrometer screw fitted with a ratchet gear and lever transmission. The feeding screw is 40mm. in effective length and of open-and-close half-nut type, it returns to the initial position when the handle is opened. Thin and accurate paraffin sections can be readily obtained. This may also be applied for preparing celloidin specimens.
