
用给定的材料很容易形成不同的桁架,并在不同的构件中找到超应力。可以很容易地构造以下14种类型的模型:- 1。单悬臂2。单悬臂四构件,3。简单的RoofTruss4。屋顶桁架与角拉杆(屋顶桁架'A') 5。复合框架工作(四在一个框架)主梁RoofTruss。7.标准屋顶桁架(屋顶桁架'B')带负载的屋顶桁架或标准屋顶桁架。 9. Mansard RoofTruss. 10. Island RoofTruss. 11.NType Girder 12.Warren Girder, 13. FramedArch, 14. North Light RoofTruss Details ofAccessories :-a. Stand and cross bars (4 bars &8 stands) 4 setsb. Brackets fitted with stands. 4 only. c. Hinges (different) 22 only. d. Hinge Holder Hooks. 8 only. e. Cantilever rod with top caps. 2 only. f. Member rods (sizes marked) 37 only. g. Cap Screws (extra). 6 only. h. Weight hanger with platform. 8 only. i. Weight platforms extra. 2 only. j. Slotted weights 1 kg. 10 only. k. Spring balances (2 of 20 kg. 2 of 10 kg. (4 of 5kg.) 8 only. I. Chains short and long. 6 only. m. Boss Brackets. 2 only..
