Tiana C-PAP /恢复健康

Tiana C-PAP /恢复健康

Restohealthis是一个独特的系统,可以提供高流量的空气或氧气,范围从1到15 LPM。临床研究已经证明,高流量的气体在体温下被加热,相对湿度达到99 - 100%,并通过鼻导管输送时是有用的。热和湿度的重要性:热和湿度防止气道失水,气道冷却,粘稠的分泌物,鼻刺激出血。在此之前,在上述应用中,气泡加湿器是用来提供高湿度的。therestohealth可以通过鼻导管将呼吸气体加热到接近100%的相对湿度,而不需要干燥或冷却气道,这在传统的气泡加湿器中是不可能的。Restohealth提供的气体含量高达55毫克/水每升(取决于温度设置)。临床研究已证实,高水蒸气对动员增厚的气道分泌物是有效的。呼吸来自restohealt的温暖湿化气体是一种有效的心脏复温方法,尤其在手术后或冷暴露后。温暖潮湿的气体已经被发现可以抑制鼻腔对过敏的反应。在减少变应性鼻炎症状方面,410摄氏度的水蒸气与气雾剂疗法一样有效。 Restohealthcan deliver high flows of warm humid gases via nasal Cannula which greatly improves patient’s comfort as compared to gases delivered via face mask. The effect of heat humidity optimize the use of nasal Cannula thus helps the Practitioner to use higher flows which other wise is not possible. Provides the User to use higher flows without adverse effects patient’s discomfort that includes nasal drying, bleeding septal breakdown. Higher flow provides numerous clinical advantages. In NICU, usingRestohealthhelps the doctor to easily feed, hold care of patient which otherwise would not be possible due to interference..
