
特点:成本低,教学效果好。自包含的。可挂在墙上。振荡频率的测量。扭转弹簧的胡克定律演示。与理论预测的比较。三年保修。实验范围比较平面螺旋弹簧的实验刚度与理论预测。观察弹簧是否表现出线性弹性。螺旋弹簧用于在摆动的轴通过角位移旋转时提供恢复力矩。 They exhibit similar stiffness characteristics to linear springs, except that the effect is one of torque rather than force. The stiffness of a spiral spring depends on its physical dimensions and the rigidity of the steel strip from which it is formed. The student can easily calculate the theoretical simple harmonic motion of the spring, and compare the value with simple experimental results. A range of moments of inertia of the oscillating part is provided. The wall mounted unit consists of a spiral spring coiled from a length of 25 x 0.6mm steel strip to give an effective length of 2 metres, attached to a shaft mounted in ball bearings. A cord carrying a weight hanger is wound round the shaft, and a load applied to twist the spring. Spring deflection is measured with an attached 360° scale. A cord and weight hanger are supplied. A set of discs which can be attached to the shaft change the frequency of oscillation, measured by the stop watch provided. This equipment is part of a range designed to both demonstrate and experimentally confirm basic engineering principles. Great care has been given to each item so as to provide wide experimental scope without unduly complicating or compromising the design. Each piece of apparatus is self-contained and compact. Setting up time is minimal, and all measurements are made with the simplest possible instrumentation, so that the student involvement is purely with the engineering principles being taught. A complete instruction manual is provided describing the apparatus, its application, experimental procedure and typical test results..
