

运输包装的振动测试仪-在运输过程中所经历的振动对包装材料的影响通常是通过模拟振动测试来确定的。在这个测试中,被测部件被放置在振动台上,振动台能够以固定的振幅和频率围绕垂直轴移动。观察特定数量或周期的振动对填充材料的影响,以评估包装对这种振动所提供的阻力。运输包裹的球形振动测试仪由安装在振动块上方的水平工作台组成,并与之刚性连接。该表给出一个固定的振幅的振荡运动物体的运动,这是反过来举行两个硬化并给出地面碳钢棒和一个振荡运动的帮助下一个电动马达耦合三角皮带和滑轮减速装置。该区块有两个炮金属灌木丛,以使它的工作寿命很长。在偏心销和连杆机构的帮助下,皮带轮的旋转运动转化为块的直线运动。偏心销固定在安装在皮带轮上的轴上的圆盘上。在该测试仪的固定频率模型中,振动频率设置为4hz。在变频模型中,它可以在1到8hz的范围内设置任何所需的值,借助于设备提供的变频驱动器。 A six digit electronic counter with non-contact infrared sensor is provided to record the total number of oscillations undergone by the components under test. The counter has a memory backup to retain the count of number of oscillations undergone in case of accidental switching off of power supply to the equipment. A key-operated reset switch is provided to reset the count to zero at the end of test duration. The package under test is placed on the vibration table. It is prevented from dropping down by a low level guard along the periphery of the table. The table is square in shape so that the package can be rotated through 90° after every 25% of total number of specified oscillations. civil lab equipments manufacturers. Paper Testing Lab equipment manufacturers,exporters and Paper Testing Lab suppliers
