Water Finder (A Qua Finder)

Water Finder (A Qua Finder)

Model HV-EXP291
The greatest problem at present in farming is to locate waterunder the ground. Here is a unique apparatus which helpsyou to explore the availability of water in your field. Theinstrument has been made just according to the latest German invention. It is specially designedmagnetometer with back geararrangement. The operator straps the backgear arrangement and hangs t hemagnetometer from it ateye level. Then hewalks across the field from East to Westchecking the variation in the earth's magnetic field. Sincethe water flowing through rocks becomes ionized it has amagnetic field around it similar to an electric current. Anyincrease in intensity will be indicated on the magnetometer.After a short practice, the operator can compute accuratelya drilling point that can yield a good amount of water. Complete instructions furnished

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