

水击演示装置该装置是用来演示水中声速下的冲击波。关闭气动阀使压力迅速达到理论值,并在冲击波穿过管道时保持恒定,以负压波的形式返回换能器。正压力波通过管道所需要的时间被用来计算声音在水中的速度。当压力达到管道内水的蒸汽压时,就会引起空化。教学目标水锤现象演示。空化的演示。声速在水中的计算。管道阻尼现象的研究。冲击波传播。管壁弹性的研究。 Technical specifications The Water Hammer Demonstration Unit comprises: 11 m length coil in stainless steel tubing. 1 pneumatic valve. 1 pressure transducer upstream and 1 pressure transducer downstream of the coil. 1 flowmeter with adjustment valve. 1 Bourdon gauge. 1 control cabinet. 1 water tank with drain valve. 1 pump. 1 bypass valve. 1 connection to a vertical tube with a bleed valve to atmospheric pressure for controlling entrapped air volume. Dimensions and weight 1350 x 650 x 2150 mm Weight : about 100 Kg Essential requirements 220 V single phase, 50 Hz. Compressed air supply. Digital Memory-type oscilloscope. Option A compressor can be supplied. Mechanical Testing Lab equipment manufacturers,exporters and Mechanical Testing Lab suppliers
