Whirling Of Shafts Demonstrator

Model HV-EXP5728
Whirling Of Shafts Demonstrator The set up is designed to study the whirling of shafts. The set-up consists of a sturdy M.S. frame, variable speed motor bearing holders etc.. Different bearing can be fitted in bearing block to have different end conditions i.e. (i) both end fixed, (ii) one end free and one end fixed etc. A variable speed motor is provided to drive the shaft along with speed control unit as the test is destructive, hence the shaft cannot be used again. Experiments Display of various modes of whril for a shaft with: a) Both ends directionally fixed. b) One ends fixed and other free c) Both ends directionally free. Modes of vibrations can be studied and frequency can be measured in each case. Utilities Required Floor area of 2m x 0.5 m Electric supply of 230V, AC Theory of Machine lab equipment manufacturers,exporters and Theory of Machine Lab suppliers

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