
特点:能够完成所有常用的机械测试。能够为各种需求创建自己的测试方法。保存和召回测试方法,以便准确和可重复测试。密码保护的监督/操作员模式允许激活测试方法,然后锁定在密码下,这样它们就不会被无意中更改。关键试验参数的计算,如极限荷载,偏移屈服,弹性模量等。WinTest具有广泛的数据分析集。请联系工厂获取最新的清单。计算一组试验的高、低、均值和标准偏差。时间数据,如显微镜图像。打印单份测试报告,组测试报告和X-Y图。将测试数据和结果以ASCII分隔格式存储到硬盘,便于导入流行的电子表格和数据库程序。 Up to ten user-definable test information and twenty report header fields to meet a variety of testing and reporting requirements. User selectable English, Metric and SI units. Large easy-to-read numeric displays that show live, peak and rate readings. Real-time plotting of test data. Closed loop servo control with PID compensation. Includes monotonic, cyclic and segmented control profiles with software selectable control channels which can be changed on the fly. The ability to change control gains and endpoint values during a test. Ideal for system tuning during dynamic fatigue tests. Five input channels for load, crosshead position, axial strain, transverse strain and one auxiliary input. Force and extensometer strain accuracy exceeds ATSM E-4 and E-83 standards, respectively. Three additional auxiliary input channels are optionally available. Automatic transducer identification available on all channels. Unlimited calibration tables per analog channel for multiple load cell and extensometer requirements. Up to 10 calibration points per transducer with piecewise linear fit between points for maximum accuracy.All calibrations are password protected and are saved to disk. Seamless access to many of today's popular spreadsheet programs. Access XY data real-time for alignment with other realtime data such as microscope images.. Steel Metal Mechanics Lab equipment manufacturers,exporters and Steel Metal Mechanics Lab suppliers
